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is proud to present:





In 1990 H-L Schnellverkehr added Der Gästezug Feldschlösschen operated in partnership with Gebr. McKenzie, Bierhändler (a division of Trans-Global Enterprises) of Brendanberg am Rhein, Germany. Der Gästezug Feldschlösschen runs roundtrip daily from Brendanberg am Rhein to Rheinfelden, Switzerland, home of Brauerei Feldschlösschen. Der Gästezug Feldschlösschen offers its passengers an opportunity to sample some of the world's finest beers, enjoy some of world's finest scenery along the fabled Rhine River, and visit one of the world's finest breweries, all in one day and at one low price.

For a map showing all of the routes travelled by H-L Schnellverkehr, click here.  

For schedules and reservations, contact your local travel agent or contact us.

As a proud member of the Trans-Global Enterprises ("TGE") family of companies, H-L Schnellverkehr recommends that you visit its site.